Friday, January 13, 2012

New Year, New TBT, New Trimester....Almost

Hopefully, everyone had a restful winter break and has settled back into the routine of school life. We started a new TBT this week, Session 5. I am currently teaching the 2nd of 3 Digital Photography sessions. If you are here for Dig Photo, please refer to the links on the right side of the page (scroll down).
We have just completed our unit on Greece in Social Studies, and will begin our Rome unit next week. Check the Social Studies blog for more information. I will add the appropriate links sometime in the next few days.
In Language Arts, we are working on a biography (reading and presenting) through our Wax Museum project. We hope that many parents can come and view our efforts on Wed., Jan. 25th (please see red paper for details)! Our next project will be a book to film comparison...we need to learn how to evaluate different kinds of media, so that will be an exciting change.
The trimester ends Feb. 17, but ALL work must be completed and turned in by Feb. 10 to count on 2nd trimester. Language Arts students need to complete a book review or commercial for one of the books they've read this trimester before then.