Washington County Association for Gifted Children

WCAGC Information

Last night at the St. George Library, the Washington County Association for Gifted Children was officially created, and it's bylaws were adopted! You can read over those here. Thank you to those who were able to attend - I know it is a busy time of year. Please know that we will be having a General Meeting in August or early September. At that time, we will officially elect officers and collect our annual dues of $25.

5/13/2013 - There is an open meeting for all members on Thursday, May16, at the St. George Public Library. We have reserved the Community Room A. The meeting will begin at 5 pm. We need to approve bylaws and gather some officers to work on and submit the affiliate application and plan for our Fall meeting! Come, and bring a friend!

1) Thanks to all who attended the meeting on Wednesday, March 6! It was amazing to have so much support come together in a positive way. Now let's keep that spirit going...

2) We will eventually develop our own space, whether that be a Blog, Site, or Facebook. Maybe we'll even need a domain with an administrator and separate email - who knows? But for now, I'll try to post everything  here on this page. What does an affiliate do? (click here) What's the application process? (click here) Check the UAGC site for more information.

3) Thanks to the wonderful volunteers for our initial committees. I will be sharing email addresses so that you all can get going on your assignments:

By-laws Committee: Did everyone get copies of the UAGC and PAGC bylaws? If not, please click on the links to get those. If you have a moment or 5, please look them over for things we might just adopt and things we will want to change. I was thinking that we could meet to discuss bylaws sometime the week of 3/18-3/22. Please feel free to suggest a meeting time and/or place. I'm sure that we can use SRIS if there is not a better location. Please check your email for the committee's addresses and further information.

Elections Committee: Having never created a committee from scratch, I have no experience here, and am happy to lean on those who do...my thought is that we need to talk with the bylaws committee to see what they are thinking with regards to our elections process (see the above links if you are curious about state procedures). We will need to work with Membership once they develop a Contacts list. I think we have to create a ballot and a way to distribute, collect, and count...right? Would you want to get together the week of 3/18-3/22?  Please feel free to suggest a meeting time and/or place. I'm sure that we can use SRIS if there is not a better location. Please check your email for the committee's addresses and further information.

Membership Committee: This committee will probably grow, change, and shift into many different opportunities. For now, I think creating a membership list, a contact list in email, and trying to get even more people to join our "movement" would be a great focus. Also, since your committee has all the contact info, would you be the ones to coordinate the next "whole group" meeting? We may want to wait until the week of 4/1-4/5. I think someone suggested the first Wednesday of the month for meetings, which would be fine. Again, please feel free to suggest a meeting time and/or place. Do we want to continue to meet at the District Office? We'll need to check with Shauna on scheduling for that, or look into meeting somewhere else. I'm sure that SRIS could provide space if we need it. Please check your email for the committee's addresses and further information.

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